Guten-Free Blueberry Pancakes

Who doesn’t love blueberry pancakes for breakfast? Not many I would assume. But then again you know what they say about assuming. The problem with pancakes for breakfast is that they are loaded with sugar and then topped with even more maple-flavored sugar, which is no bueno for your health. Sweet and delicious, yes, but loading up on the sweet cakes always tires me out. I find the rest of my day seems empty and stocked full of Netflix hours. 

This is because added sugars are simply not that good for your body. It can often have you feeling sluggish the rest of the day… Unless you’re under the age of ten or so, which none of you should be if you’re having to look up healthy versions of pancakes. We have all felt this way at one point or another. 

This Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancake recipe is a new and improved blueberry pancake recipe made to enjoy guiltlessly. You can even enjoy them without the need for an afternoon nap to pick you back up.

I inherited an abundance of blueberries recently and need to find ways to use them. I wanted to show y’all some healthy pancakes, and there are only so many blueberry smoothies I can drink before I’ve reached my limit. 

The Healthy

So how is it done? The solution is actually fairly simple. Chickpea flour is the secret ingredient in these blueberry pancakes. You can find it here on Amazon. It’s also available at grocery stores in the baking aisle. 

More known for its use in Middle Eastern recipes, the Chickpea bean when made into flour is gluten-free and contains five grams of protein per ¼ cup of chickpea flour. It’s also abundant in vitamins and minerals like potassium and iron. These are the nutrients that help fight off that afternoon sluggish feeling. Compared to regular flour that’s almost 25% more iron and nearly 90% more potassium. An added benefit is the fiber working to lower cholesterol and provide your gut with some much-needed healthy bacteria. Bateria is known for supporting a healthier digestive system. 

Get Sweeter! But not too much

Now let’s investigate the sugar, we definitely need some sweetness in these flap jacks. Don’t you worry? Blueberry definitely helps add some sweetness to this recipe, but honey is my weapon of choice. It gets that sugary sweetness to those taste buds. While honey is, well, sweet, it’s not processed when purchased locally. It also doesn’t overdo the sweetness. Blue Ridge Honey Company is my brand of choice. If you don’t live in Georgia try as best you can to buy from a local honey farmer.

Let’s talk about toppings. 

The below recipe has an additional honey and blueberry syrup you can add to the pancake toppings. There are numerous options on the subject to amp up your pancake game but I like walnuts. Especially on these pancakes. 

Peanut butter or almond butter are other good options. Maybe try Nutella if you’re feeling sinful. I’d love to hear your favorite toppings! Please take pictures and tag #palmeproper.

Let’s start making up some of these bad boys.

With five ingredients you can start whipping up some tasty Blueberry Pancakes. When cooking, start off with a test pancake first. If it turns out well then good job. For most, it will likely not be perfect. It’s only a tester cake so NBD. This test is done to ensure the heat of the pan is right where it needs to be so if it burns, turn the head down. Enjoy!

Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes

  • 1 cup blueberries (of course)
  • 1 cup chickpea flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ cup pomegranate juice
  • dash salt
  1. Preheat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat
  2. Whisk together all ingredients in a bowl with the exception of the blueberries. These are added when the batter is poured into the pan.
  3. Use a ⅓ cup scooper to scoop the batter into the pan. When the edges have started to dry and bubbles are formed in the center it will be time to flip the pancake to the other side to finish cooking. Both sides should cook for one to two minutes on each side.
  4. Top with the below syrup recipe and your other favorite toppings, take pictures, and share to Twitter and Instagram then enjoy!

Blueberry Syrup

  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons local honey
  1. Start by heating a sauce pan over medium heat
  2. Add the blueberries to the pan one it has been heated and use a spoon made for a nonstick pot to mash the blueberries while cooking
  3. After 2 minutes or so of mashing add the hone to the mashed blueberries
  4. Continue mixing and stirring for about 5 minutes or until the mixture has thickened and becomes less watery

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