Puppy Paw Balm

This DIY Puppy Paw Balm was created to soothe your dog’s paw pads to prevent cracking by restoring moisture to their sensitive puppy paws.

In the heat of this Atlanta summer I’ve noticed Kona’s paw’s looking a bit more tired than usual. Kona, for those of you who don’t know, is my number one companion, my Koko Bean, my Kona Bear, aka my dog. While my thought is that this paw problem is from the incredibly hot summer we’ve endured so far, I also wonder if her age is a factor, or maybe a skin allergy. If you have any insight on this or know what the issue may be please reach out and let me know.

Regardless of why it’s happening, Kona and I did put together this quick Puppy Paw Balm DIY last night and decided to share it with all of you. If your pup is suffering from the same issues in the paw department, use this to help nourish and heal cracked paws from one hell of a hot summer. 

All of the ingredients in this Puppy Paw Balm are safe for our canine friends as well as you. The difference between this recipe and one made for human hands would be the addition of extra essential oils and other nutrient boosters that may harm a dogs sensitive skin. To give an even greater sense of relief, if you have any hesitations please feel free to reach out. I want to ensure your puppy is safe and healthy. I also want you to have peace of mind.

Why Paw Balm? 

If you love your furry friend as much as I do then you should have some reason to consider using a paw balm, if not mine then another brand. The reason in this case is because I am trying to prevent cracking and heat damage from the summer sun. Other reasons for using a paw balm would be to prevent the same cracking during the dry winter months or create a barrier between the paw and the pavement from substances found on the ground. 

Keeping in mind this is a paw friendly recipe, it’s made fully edible by dogs. Although I highly recommend you don’t let that happen. Highly recommended. How else is the paw going to heal if your pup is eating it? I also recommend that you use 100% organic ingredients when making this as well. Although we can’t control everything that goes into our dogs mouths, I would at least like to have some control over what mine is licking off of her paw.

DIY Puppy Paw Balm

This DIY Puppy Paw Balm was created to soothe your dog’s paw pads to prevent cracking by restoring moisture to their sensitive puppy paws

  • 1.25 oz coconut oil
  • 1 oz sweet almond oil
  • .5 oz Shea butter
  • .25 oz beeswax
  • 10 drops German Chamomile Essential Oil
  1. In a double boiler, combine all ingredients and let melt completely.
  2. Once melted, remove from heat and add the German Chamomile Essential Oil.
  3. Give the mixture one quick mix and pour into a container for storage.
  4. Let sit for 3 hour before applying to your dogs paw.

This should last a few months when stored in a dry environment. 


For application, rub until you have a sufficient amount of product between your fingers to cover each paw. Gently massage into the paw pads on each of your dog’s foot until the pad has been evenly coated. 


I personally feel that using this Puppy Paw Balm once a day, usually in the mornings, works well for Kona, But fee free to use it as frequently as you like. 

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