DIY Puppy Teething Ties

These super-simple Teething Ties are a handy DIY to keep in your back pocket. Having already raised one perfect pup, and now another, I have mastered the art of canine companionship. There is no denying that having these Teething Ties stocked up at all times in my freezer has saved not only my wallet but my sanity as well. This is a gift. I am bestowing it upon you to use at your will. Thank me later.

How it helps: 

  • Multifunctional Use 
  • Saves money on expensive dog toys
  • Cut down loss of chewing and biting on furniture. 

This Dog Hack was actually inspired from my mother’s hack for me as a child. For me, the teething tie was animated and had a name. We called him Boo Boo Bunny. Don’t laugh, just keep reading. Like babies, dogs throw tantrums when teething and take their angst out on anything and everything. Any dog parent knows that. The Boo Boo Bunny was essentially the soothing and sensory replacement to distract from the issue at hand. Teething. It was a fun way to entertain with its comedic features while also relieving pain from both me and I am sure my mother as well. 

Cañon, my second fur kid, is a sprightly 6 months of age ball of Colorado thunder. She’s also fairly “mouthy:” She is undeniably in her mid-teething phase of doghood and requires my full attention nearly 24 a day. Those tiny fangs of hers are capable of tearing through just about anything. Furniture, carpet, the walls; Y’all the walls… So hear me out on these Teething Ties and maybe give it a try.

Teething 101

The American Kennel Club (AKA) states that “The best objects to offer teething puppies depend on your dog’s size and level of activity. They include rubber teething toys that you can put in the freezer, such as a Kong, edible puppy teething rings, and flavored puppy chew toys.” 

Personally, I’ve found that there are limited quality options for teething pups aside from a few brands like Kong. 

“But there are so many different dog toys out there? Why do you say limited?” 


I say limited because I require a multi-function capability for every toy. I have standards for dog toys and I don’t accept anything less than what I expect. A dog toy must not only relieve Cañon’s teething tantrums but damaged asset tantrums as well. Between soap making with Properly Soap Co, working a day job, and maintaining Palmer Proper, my time is limited and If a toy can both entertain and reduce property damage then please take my money. In fact, give me 100 toys that are exactly the same.


These Teething Ties are multipurpose use and save on expensive dog toys. Nothing tears my heart apart more than a beloved plush buddy found on the floor with its stuffed plush organs scattered about my living room. In most cases, the plush toys are way too overpriced for the quality and lifetime they come with. The Teething Ties can be made with old towels you haven’t thrown away. There’s no need to pull out that wallet with this DIY because it’s an upcycle any dog toddler will love. You’ll also reduce the need to repair chewed furniture which adds up quickly if you don’t have an easy supplement. AKA Teething Ties.

Cañon typically skirts her way into the kitchen after a heated walk and sits pointed toward the fridge until I give her one of these dog hack Teething Ties. She loves how they cool her warm body and will chew them to relieve some of this Atlanta Heat. 

If you try this DIY I’d love to hear about it. How are your pups enjoy their Teething Ties? Leave a comment below and share your paw partners by tagging #palmerproper. Seeing DIYs like this in action keeps me going strong. Below you’ll find the instructions for this DIY so give that a look and leave a comment should you have questions. Please pin, like, and share so others can find a DIY they can use to make their lives a little easier. Be sure to also subscribe to the Newsletter and Category below to receive post updates as soon as they happen and see what happens across Thanks!

Easy Puppy Teething Ties


  • Scissors
  • Tupperware with lid
  • 2 Old dish towels


  1. Lay the dish towels on a flat surface on top of each with the length with the Cut the halves dish towels.
  1. Cut the halves in half once more by cutting a parallel to the first cut.
  1. You should now have 8 strips of fabric. Tie each strip of fabric at its middle section using a pretzel knot. Tie it once more in the same spot, again using a pretzel knot and set aside. It should resemble a ball of sorts when completed. Repeat this step for the remaining strips of fabric.
  2. b. c.
  1. Once the 8 strips have all been tied, dampen each knot underwater by running it under a faucet. Ensure the knot is not soaked! Squeeze out the excess water until the knot is no longer dripping and is damp. Do not over soak!
  1. When the ties are no longer dripping, place them in a 1-quart Tupperware and cover. Freeze them for a minimum of 1 hour before use.
  1. Give to your pup when needed. They will love it. 

Meyers, H. (2021, April 20). Puppy teething and nipping: A survival guide. American Kennel Club. Retrieved September 16, 2021, from 

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