Tart Chocolate Energy Balls

Since y’all seem to love chocolate so much, like myself, I recreated my own version of this Instagram favorite. Protein Power Chocolate Energy Balls! Also, my roommate had a rough day and needed some chocolate lovin. So I put my mind to making some chocolate lovin’ happen. What can I say? I’m a lover, not a hater… of chocolate…

The recipe is straightforward and requires no heating, beating, or baking of the sort. Just the eating, is my favorite part. Tartness comes from both dried tart cherries and dark chocolate to deliver a sweet blend of deliciousness. If you’d like to jump straight into the recipe you can scroll down, but you’ll miss on some important deets about the recipe. 

The Protein

Most of the protein comes from a chocolate protein powder favorite of mine, Vega Sport. Each serving of this powder contains about 30g in addition to vital nutrients and minerals. Additionally, I’ve added flaxseed and oatmeal to boost up the fiber load so you stay fuller for longer.


These Protein Power Chocolate Energy Balls store really well when placed in a sealed container and can last between 3-4 weeks. You can also store them in the freezer and pull them out when you’re in need of some chocolate fix-ins. Just set out to thaw for 1 hour before eating. I’ve actually eaten them frozen before too, but be warned, they may break a tooth if you’re not careful.

Tart Chocolate Energy Balls

Give these Tart Chocolate Energy Balls a try when you’re feeling sluggish. They’re packed with protein for a quick power punch to get through the day.

  • ½ cup oats
  • ¼ cup ground flaxseeds
  • ⅓ cup dried tart cherries
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • ½ cup Vega Sport Chocolate Protein Powder
  • ¼ cup diced walnuts
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • ¼ cup almond butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup golden agave
  • ¼ cup oat milk
  1. In a large bowl combine all drying ingredients; oats, flaxseeds, cherries, chia seeds, Vega Sport Chocolate Protein Powder, and walnuts
  2. In a measuring cup large enough for ½ cup, combine peanut butter and almond butter. Add this to the dry ingredients.
  3. Add vanilla extract, and golden agave to the mixture and blend with a hand blender for about 1 minute until the nut butters have broken down into smaller pieces.
  4. While continuing to use the hand blender add in the oat milk and continue blending until a playdough consistency is formed.
  5. With your hands roll the dough into 1.5-inch balls and place them on a laid-out piece of parchment paper.
  6. Prepare your Hu Gems according to package directions and use a whisk to drizzle on top of each of the balls. Let the chocolate harden for 1 hour before enjoying it!

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