Celebrate the Abilities: How Impairment Impacts People With Disabilities Compared to the LGBTQ+ Community

I’m seeing more and more toxic influences shifting the pride found in the LGBTQ+ culture. Events showcased as “all-inclusive” labeling for events and communities promote the idea that we are in the same community as people with disabilities. I am struggling to write this article but want to make known the uncomfortable conversation needs to happen to address some of the key indicators of a community when we once had pride, and we are not there at this moment, fam.

Maybe it’s also because I once took off to new adventures and came back to tell the tale of who we can be if we just buckle the fuck up, sit down, and organize this bitch a little more than we are doing for the momentary pause on an army of queens. It’s political tactics like the above mentioned that are harming the quality of life for the LGBT community members as it internalized us, as the LGBT community, as having a similar circumstantial “capability” that is simply not applied in the same way to our community as a community of people with disabilities.

There is nothing wrong with us though, not people with disabilities. In fact, People Living With Disabilities is an explored insured while I studied as I wanted to go for a degree in music therapy, later realizing I had some entrepreneurial skills that made my a pretty sweet venture while in school and a stud muffin boyfriend from way back when.

There was also once upon a time when I wanted to explore opportunities with my cousin who is living with Down Syndrome to help her create her “American Dream“, but, well, those family ties and the year of 2020… politics are so fun, right?

Despite what every panty rocket crawled up into their asses, I find that in celebrating myself and the things I find interest in again, my cousin is reaching out in response to the good that I am putting out into a world filled with toxic influence. For whatever fucking reason everyone else in the family wants me to die alone and miserable, I know I have one sidekick on my side. But don’t think she didn’t use to not hear them talk about me all the time, that little girl was nasty for a bit, which is why you should never promote hate to people who have nothing to hate but the things you decide aren’t good enough for you. Bad parenting on every level in this home, just fills me with pride each day, do you feel it?

It would be more profitable across both our communities to approach both events that celebrate the individual struggles both fought for equality and the ways we differ. For LGBT events, we are in a constant celebration of Pride in realizing that we are good enough despite a battle against words and projections of how someone else defines love. There is no limitation indicated in one being gay so we can close up this box today. For people living with disabilities, their physical and mental inhibitors of a “normal” quality of life are the challenges to overcome, not just words. You see, how that works? The accomplishments are far greater than the LGBT community so I applaud a community that bears the same hate mongers we all deal with but to levels of extreme on a community filled with the gifted qualities of a human experience you nor I will ever know, that’s why it’s a special experience.

Campaign Science

As a once guru in providing insightful data, we all ignore and are now propelled forward to a better and brighter further (remember all that shit when yall didn’t listen?) I am an excellent resource for the details of how these simple political strategies are taking away our future. A campaign that includes two communities can blend the associations of our communities at the top-level media outlets and producers of campaigning tactics. It would just so happen that with the seat coming available for someone we all know and love… a campaign to include the, and I say this gently as I am realizing it was probably created this way on in an attempt to prevent people talking about it in addition to the obvious. Regardless of such, I don’t give a fuck what yall say about me as I know how I feel about both communities, the association trickles down the slope to areas of heavily influenced media, and finally into the common line of sight where wider audiences become accustomed to the association of our communities, and we are simply not the same.

Which is honestly a terrible strategy and incredibly unethical across all levels of providing a better human experience for everyone. Shame on everyone for exploring both minority groups for political gain. This shit has got to stop in politics. I believe we are better than what I am seeing. As a side note, why the fuck is weaponizing people ever ok? It happened once before this open discussion already that I am still recovering from, then to go again, fam? Hell no. We need to start reading like Ru and talking about shit, Queens. This ain’t a pony show anymore. It’s the full-on hate parade and we are gonna lose if y’all don’t listen up.

Campaigns that are created on an “all-inclusive” basis, which is fairly new to our community, have impacts on our community in areas of mental health, and the destabilization of the basic human rights we still have to stand up for in many situations.

The Data

Toxic Influences that impact the LGBT community already have serious levels of concern that are not addressed nearly enough, especially down here in the state of Florida where there are no protections or advancements for proper mental health care, and the outlook is not likely this sector of health in our future either. That is, unless someone decides they want to collaborate on a solution I have had waiting forever on utilizing…

Overall toxic influences have contributed to nearly 41% of lesbian and gay male youths experiencing violence in states where no protections are granted to LGBT community members across the political landscape. 39% of gay and bisexual men reported attempted suicide. With significant associations between attempters and factors like school dropout, home ejection, and gay-related stressors. We only just got protections for workplace rights in November of 2023, and well, y’all know the school debate. I know if I had had someone to talk to, maybe I would be so messed up across the spectrum today, but we learn to make the most of it I suppose.

Regardless, if you would like to connect with me on how we can address creating equality for people with disabilities, and campaign efforts to showcase pride, email john@properlydigitaldesign.com for your questions regarding socially responsible advertising. Be sure to subscribe below for more from Properly Digital Design. You can also reach out to Equality Florida to get updates on events and learn more about volunteer opportunities to take action in your community.

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