American Data on American Soil

I believe in American data on American soil to maintain the safety of everyone in creating American Dreams that we may collectively share with a team of leaders advancing data solutions that utilize unbiased marketing campaigns and strategies to promote a better tomorrow for all.

The toxic influences of marketing that I have been carrying on about for all those many years ago either

a. made you aware of what you knew so you tried to torcher, and weaponize gay in a way that was never what gay was anyway
b. or created fear in you because you have been watching too many movies and need a Zanax

But if we hadn’t done all that was done, we could have not gone through the literal defamation of the American Dream by the people we looked to the most to guide us when we needed a hero. This would have allowed us as the United States to lead the world in a better tomorrow for all that neutralized threats and advanced research far before it ever happened as it is today.

By sharing our differences and utilizing them to create the defining divisions between everyone through cultural arts and community we could have solved almost every scenario happening today in education, mental health, community, business, and environmental impacts that prohibit us from becoming a community as we once were. If just one person had listened to me speak way back when we could have been on top of these things long before now. Let’s move on. I am taking on several roles where I will need assistance to clean up this mess, and while I know those of you who have started to take into account my strategies and proposals, I also know those of you who did the same thing and used it for further defamation of the United States and honestly, just really expect more from you next time. Again, I won’t discuss more but I do want my team available and my pay for services and utilization of my concepts.

Thank you, and let’s please communicate more on how learning and understanding data does not make you a fortune teller, it only indicates that I can read and look at pictures, nothing more. That is why they call me #theamericanprince, because I can reason and listen to others before I speak. It’s not because I have the ability to do magic spells or rule over populations with a giant staff. We don’t live in Warcraft. This is the United States of America, and I make the American Dreams come true, but you all need to get a life before I can help you with that one.

If you want to read more on politics I think I am going to continue discussing this on my website where I used to pass time creating new ideas and businesses. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and insights on whatever you want. IDGAF. Just don’t be a bitch about it when someone does something you don’t like. It’s super annoying and a waste of my fucking time that doesn’t provide a solution for anyone.

Point and case, y’all acting like fools. Let’s move on. I forgive you.

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