Making American Dreams

Retargeting strategies since the loss of my entire career, business, and community, I now am working on building a future without the toxic influences that destroyed the best parts of me to protect those who can’t do it for themselves. 

My momentum forward is to accomplish the impossible things that I know to be valued in the way I remain true to myself, my faith, and the virtue I gained in the lessons of my heroes. The military service men and women who have kept me within safely guarded paths forward since they had learned of the many violations of human rights committed against me as I was used as a tool in a weaponized marketing campaign based on the concept of taking everyone you can, never supporting your community, and forgetting to thank the ones who fight for your American Dream and die in doing so. That’s not happening anymore because I am done with the bull shit.

Despite the world changing and the boomers losing all their morals, I am going to be the one who changes things and breaks the mold for the next generation to build American Dreams for all. Because I will not be the one to tell them all we failed while you watch it all on your social media platforms and biased news platforms.

I am going to do this by living my American Dream, I have already done the possible things, so now you can watch me as I do the impossible.

Let me know how I can help you make your American Dream a possibility for you by sharing a story. If they don’t want you to share it, then you know it’s because they have something to hide and know that your story is worth hearing about. I could be the story that saved the world, my stories have. Yours can too.

The articles and content you find here are the reasons why I became known as The American Prince. In the end, intelligence gave me what I deserved, I am realizing, and technology gave them what they asked for. Because here, in the United States of America, you can become whoever the fuck you want, as long as you aren’t selfish about it. That is what I love about this place.

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