Stay Curious

A Generation Loved Gave a Generation Failed

Now a generation manipulated for asking questions, and mocked for being smart, and healthier than their parents must save us all.

Stay Inquisitive

This is a space where I start each day by making a difference in the things know and contribute toward a better tomorrow for all. I know that the curiosity instilled in me is what drives us to new places and as leaders advancing the construct of socially responsible solutions., 

The values I grew up under the military service members of my grandparents have allowed me to remain true to myself as I watch you all forget who you even were in the first place. The ones who defend our communities are what make the United States what it isn’t because the people have forgotten who they came from, and it was my grandparents who fought for my American Dream to come true, not for an ungrateful generation before taking it. 

This is a space where I encourage everyone to celebrate the curiosity of what could be instead of what is so we can be the leaders of the global community aligned with matters that are far beyond crying over power, money, land, or fame. Thanks to technology, the boomer generation is finally getting what they deserve. Nothing. The ones making a difference will be the ones who make safer communities, feed the masses, advance health sciences, and remain true to our faith. 

I find that is you, boomers, who are going to end up with the short stick from now on. You all have a lot of sins to pay back to society we are the ones who create lead us to new experiences and explore creativity.

Share your curiosity below!

Use this prompt to showcase your curiosity and creativity and take you to new places to discover the possibilities in all of us.

Daily writing prompt
What makes you laugh?

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