Where it Started

Properly Palmer was once a resource that provided my explorations of research and experience in arts to pursue passions that I often would build into revenue. They became things that helped me remain socially adaptable and maintained my happiness, health, and confidence in times when the world was going kind of crazy. 

Because of the reality of life taking a major underhand across my ass in a way that only sums itself up as a realization of life starting again when you move on, never quit, accept no apologies. Because quite honestly, I just don’t give a fuck anymore.

This is a place where you can discover how I have maintained the essential qualities required to build the American Dream, as I have done so before, saving the world once again because nobody wants to talk about the things that matter. Let me rephrase, the people we look to for guidance, support, and help when in times of need don’t want to discuss the things that matter, because their values have been lost, they don’t remember who they are, and they don’t respect who they came from.

By sharing resources, and intellectually stimulating conversations on ways we can improve the human experience through socially responsible endeavors I invite you all as my supporters to collaborate on ways to build a Properly Place. 

To stay curious about the unknown parts of life where opportunity dares you to become influential by defying the odds, enduring the rough times, and sharing your story to make it better for everyone, not hiding secrets to make it better for you.

The world isn’t ending on my watch, so let that shit pass by bitch. We have better things to do than to watch an ungrateful generation let it burn.

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